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Teachers are Fabulous and She Knows It!

Miranda R.

"It takes a big heart to shape little minds."

Being a teacher is undoubtedly hard and these last couple of years have been especially trying. Teachers already juggle being counselors, supply stores, therapists, hairdressers... the list goes on, for their students, and during the pandemic, many went above and beyond. They did and continue to do this with smiles, through tears, with cut pay and not enough pay. It is one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs. So, when this teacher wanted a shoot for JUST HER, I was all but ready to jump!

Many would ask, why take photos? There are various occasions, but one of the best reasons is simply YOU. Do it for yourself! Sometimes we need to break away from everyday life to do something entirely unique and wonderful for ourselves. It reminds us of our authentic selves, enlightens us through a new perspective, and brings out the inner fierceness and fabulousness that's always been there. This was a joy. She completely owned her photo session!

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