"I love how the air changes... you can feel it, you can smell it, and suddenly it is autumn."
~ Melody Lee
I love the change in the air the fall brings. When October hits, it's just like magic fills the air and it becomes the perfect time to try some outlandish and cool ideas that would be crazy any other time of the year. After all, it would be weird to see someone capturing a clown running through the garage in the middle of March. Now, photographers and fellow creatives can indulge those supernatural and dark ideas.
So what kind of ideas can you explore during this time? As many as you want! The timing is perfect and the weather is so nice. It's the perfect time to shoot outside without worrying about the sweltering heat or blistering cold. To be inspired by the warm colors and changing landscape. Here are some fun photo themes for fall that you may want to try.

Photo by Shwa Hall on Unsplash
For the harvest time...
Pumpkin Patch
Fall Leaves
Changing Colors
Sunflowers Feilds
Hunters and Gatherers
Photo tip: If you are shooting outside or in an area outdoors where you are receiving a lot of light, try to offset or soften the light by creating a photo box with curtains or chiffon fabric. Better yet, if you have a portable V-flat, reflectors, or even just a polyboard (i.e. a white/ black poster board), put them to use to bend the light.

Photo by Salvador Altamirano on Unsplash
For celebrating the dead...
Day of the Dead
Momento Mori
All Hallows Eve
Photo tip: Work with what you or your client has. You don't need to go on a shopping spree (unless you can) for props. Try to put some compositing to use.

Photo Halanna Halila
When feeling something Wicca coming this way...
Witches and Covens
Black Cats
Broom Sticks and Spell Books
Mistress of the Night
Photo tip: Instead of smoke bombs, you may want to try creating a smoke or fog effect with dry ice or a simple overlay in photoshop.

Photo by Tom Roberts
To be entertained...
Horror and Thriller Movies
Hocus Pocus
Nightmare on Elms Street
Friday the 13th
and so on...
Best and Worst Villians
Blood and Gore

Photo by Anthony Tran
For entreating the supernatural...
Fairy Rings
Vampire and Werewolves
Fairy and Folk Tales
Ghosts, Ghouls, and Gremlins
Summoning, Seance, and Ouijie Boards

Photo by Priscilla du Preez
For the love of food...
Sugar, spice, and everything nice
Pumpkins and spiced
Fall treats
Beverages (Hot cocoa, Pumpkin spiced lattes, etc.)
Photo tip: Try creating a flat lay for food images or using a small reflector or V-flat to achieve a nice balanced light around your dish. Don't forget to also balance texture and color to best highlight your dish.
Which will you try?
