“The sexiest curve on your body is your smile... flaunt it!”
How much do you know about boudoir photography? Yes, we see the images of gorgeous women in lingerie or in pin-up fashion; but, do you know more than this? In the modern era, boudoir photography has evolved into a movement championing women empowerment, liberation, and independence. It is continually moving past its historical stigmas. There is a growing separation from its origin of sexual intrigue to vulnerability and showing natural beauty.
In this latter aspect, the genre actually holds true to the intentions of capturing real women, authentically and void of social expectations. This is where we start debunking the myths. Boudoir photography has become popular due to that universal connection of womanhood and freedom. Despite this, just like in its early beginnings, there are still some things that are misunderstood, misconstrued, and simply untrue.
Photo by Gabe Rabera
It’s about being sexy
Sure, you can be as sexy as you want with boudoir photography. There are plenty who enjoy that feeling of being sexy because during their daily lives they can’t; however, it’s not always and only about being sexy. Being sexy is great but it is not the desired look or attribute all the time. Some prefer simply being beautiful or cute and playful. It comes down to whatever suits the individual’s personality more.
Photo by Miranda Richey
You’re too old
There is no so such thing! I have worked with various ages and as long as you are 18 years old and up, you can get behind the lens for a boudoir session. At any age, there can be a milestone met, achievement to celebrate, desire to feel beautiful and a moment to feel free.
Photo by Camila Cordeira
You can’t be this, this and this...
People love putting a label on things and while it can be helpful, sometimes it can be quite damaging. Single mom, religious, scared, obese. There are many labels that can sometimes hold us back from doing the things that we want; but, it doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or what you believe. As long as you want to do it, you can! It’s as easy as that.
Photo by Uyen Nyugen
Boudoir photographers are creeps
The truth is that anyone can be a creep; so, it’s important to fully vet your photographer. True boudoir photographers will do their utmost to make sure you have everything you need during your session and maintain an air of professionalism through its entirety. Use discernment and be cautious during your session. Your session should feel comfortable and flow easy like a breeze, be a party, or a relaxation zone. If anything doesn’t feel right, get out of there!
Photo by Cucu Marius-Daniel
It has to be nude
Not at all! You can wear as much or as little as you want. There are no clothing rules when it comes to boudoir. Clothing is based on what the desired look or composition is. I always like clean looks, so neutral intimates are safe. Pair a tee or white collared shirt with jeans. It’s also nice to get fun and adventurous. Dress up in your favorite cosplay or go a bit vintage with corsets and stockings. Dress however you feel.
Photo by Evgeny Loza
Boudoir is only shot in the bedroom
While “boudoir” is French for a woman’s bedroom, dressing room, or private room, you are not restricted to this setting alone. You can shoot anywhere inside, the kitchen, dining room, or garage! Move your set outside for an explorative session through woods, along creeks, or even down a snowy path. As a Florida native, one of my favorite set moves is to our beautiful beaches and gardens.
Photo by Miranda Richey
You have to be a size 2
The average woman is a size 16, so it makes absolutely no sense to only shoot women who are a size 2. The same also goes for men, all of whom are not a waist size 32. Size does not matter when it comes to boudoir photography. It does not inhibit a session nor make it any easier or challenging based on size. In fact, nothing different really needs to be done from set to lighting to posing. All sessions should be done in consideration of what shows the subject in the best way.
Photo by Elle Cartier
It’s only for women
Nope. As can be inferred from above when considering size, men also take boudoir, or “dudoir” sessions. This is not as stigmatized as boudoir and not nearly as recognized.
Photo by Martin Lopez
You must wear lingerie
Once again, no. Just like you do not have to be nude, you do not have to wear lingerie. A date night dress, comfy sweater, or long t-shirt will do just fine. In fact, anything can work. You wear whatever makes you feel glamorous, sexy, cute, empowered... yourself.
Photo by Rachel Owen
It’s not creative
Boudoir photography can get incredibly creative. The only limitation is you and your photographer’s imagination. Change things up from the composition, design, props, location, and more.
If you are interested in having your own boudoir experience, learn how you can win a session today!